Hi, thanks for visiting my website! I’m a freelance choreographer, dance artist and producer with a penchant for project management and working with young people. I am ginger, wear glasses, am taller than I look on Zoom, and am a proud West Midlands-er. I’m mostly a morning person, love coffee (decaf after midday) and will never say no to a doughnut. I can often be found at my desk (a.k.a. ‘Natalie HQ’), in a hall or dance space or sat on the sofa watching comfort TV.
I have always loved dance and have always found it hard to sit still if I hear a good beat. At three, my mum enrolled me in dance lessons – ballet, tap, jazz, modern etc – and since then I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to perform – on stage and at festivals – and joined local theatre companies where I could strut my stuff. Unfortunately, a hamstring tear at 16 put pains to my dreams of performing. It was pretty devastating at the time, especially for someone who loves nothing more than a spotlight, an audience, a cheesy grin and some jazz hands. I went to the University of Warwick to study English Lit, but me being me, I found myself involved with various dance and theatre societies and soon realised I was more passionate about these than my studies. I found more opportunities to choreograph and teach and grabbed every chance I could. Still, I felt a bit of an imposter in the dance world and didn’t really consider pursuing a career in the industry properly. After a year pursuing arts production (an area I still work in today), I gained a scholarship to study Management at the University of Cambridge where I got involved with various dance and theatre societies. While at Cambridge a friend suggested I look at the National Youth Musical Theatre’s assistant creative programme. I applied and was lucky enough to find myself working with Cydney Uffindell-Phillips on a production of a new musical, ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’. Since that moment, I knew that I’d do everything I could to work in the world of dance and theatre. I still wanted to produce and manage projects, but I also wanted to choreograph, teach and facilitate as a dance artist, choreographer and movement director. Through determination and a lot of hard work, I have worked with many organisations and companies I could only have dreamed of working with some years ago: from DanceXchange to People Dancing, Creation Theatre to Cherwell Theatre Company, Ascendance to my own dance teaching self-starter, Dance! with Natalie. I have completed various CPD programmes and gained a distinction for my Level 4 dance teaching diploma. I received funding from Arts Council England and MGC Futures and have won places on New Adventures’ Overture Programme, Masterclass x Jermyn Street Theatre’s Mentoring Programme, and Equity’s Pathways Scheme. I am determined to continue developing my craft, seeking new opportunities and making work for and with people that is exciting, accessible, inclusive and, most importantly, brings people joy through dance. If you think I sound like a good fit for your project (I promise I am!) please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thanks very much for reading. |
My passion for dance came early on in life (and I've always loved to pose for the camera...)
With my gorgeous mum performing in a local theatre show.
As Assistant Choreographer for Creation Theatre Company's 'Snow Queen'.